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Teaching People Through History

Fall 2009 - "One of the most joyful things about teaching history is helping students see that history is not just about memorizing dates. History is about looking at the lives of people whose decisions continue to affect us. Historiography is important in putting those decisions into their historical context. Students get to know that people who lived in a different time s lived by different values." more

Prof. James S. Harrison, Portland Community College, Cascade Campus

Professor Yer Thao Shares His Research on the Gifts of the Mong Oral Tradition

Summer 2008 - Oral culture is maintained in Mong communities because it’s a way of supporting each other and to keep the Mong culture and its practices alive. Mong communities have been in the United States for the last 30 years. Their approach toward knowledge is different from people from print cultures. They don’t have ego interference, and there tends to be a lack of knowledge “ownership.” In oral cultures, knowledge is passed down and shared by the community, and not claimed by individuals as his or her own. People freely express their knowledge, stories and lifestyles ... more

Healing Communities: Dr. Carolyn West Brings Domestic Violence Issues to Light

Spring 2008 - "Being a psychologist, no matter what area you’re working in, domestic violence seems to be at the root of many problems, in some form or fashion. From working in prisons to university counseling, and working with people who have substance abuse issues, somewhere along the line, there was childhood sexual abuse, domestic violence, or something of that nature. My work focuses on figuring out how we can deal with these issues and stop a lot of social problems, pretty early on. " more

Bilingual Pathway Program: Paving the Road to Success for Bilingual Teachers

Winter 2008 - "We need to know how to educate all students. The bilingual population is newer here in the Northwest.

School districts are realizing that we need to diversify the teaching workforce with people that both look like its students, and people that speak the languages of its students. In Portland Public Schools alone, students speak 70 different languages. It’s hard to find teachers that speak all those languages, but it is important to try." more

Lei Li Focuses Research on International Business Strategies

Summer 2007 - "My current research mainly addresses firm international strategies and internationalization processes and, and how various strategies and processes may impact firm performance differently." read more


PSU's Patti Duncan Highlights Experiences of Women in Color in Scholarship, Teaching

Spring 2007 - As an associate professor of women’s studies at Portland State University, Patti conducts research into the experiences of Asians and Asian-American women in the United States and all over the world. read more


OSU Professor Focuses Research on Latino Histories and Legacies in Oregon  

Spring 2007 - Erlinda Gonzales-Berry, department chair of the Department of Ethnic Studies at Oregon State University, is at the forefront of scholarship concerning Latino histories in Oregon. read more

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